A Time of Reinvention....
Ah, so the wheel turns and with that comes change. We are always changing, moving with the river that is constantly heading to new places. My not-so-forgotten blog is going through a change as I have done so over the years. With personal life changes of emotional, mental, and spiritual, there has been many things I have discovered and even rediscovered.
I have many beliefs that have been buried and now are resurfacing and it has led to a path of finally being content with the person I am. Finding this inner peace and awareness, it is amazing what one is capable of and realize that what we have taken for granted or the words we have had beaten into our psyche really doesn't matter. What matters is what WE think of ourselves. With knowing what we suffer and have overcome, we open our eyes to see what others are going through and in turn, start to offer our shoulders, advice, or even just a sympathetic ear.
There is so much I have weathered in my forty plus years and have come out the stronger for it. My core self is one that doesn't give up easily and has a strong sense of survival, whether is physical or just emotional. It isn't an easy realization or path to walk on and I can attest that many times I have wanted to give up because the pain and grief was too much for my shoulders to bear at times. Through the tears however, I look into myself and truly see that I have so much to give, and I have people who love and care for me. When I am at my lowest or fighting my hardest, I have to keep in mind that I am cared for, I will be missed.
It's okay to not feel obligated to go out and leave a indelible mark on the world because look at it this way. Whose world do you want to leave a mark for? If you have children, it is for them. If you have a cherished loved one, it is for them. We forget in this hectic and chaotic world that people matter, no matter what. We all have the same struggles, the same issues. If you aren't strong enough to go through the troubles that life throws at you, find one who will be there to lend their strength to you. The only way to get that is to open your eyes and heart, be willing to accept what is being offered. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you are weak. Asking for help is strength, being willing to change is strength.
Life is change.
With that, there comes change to what this blog is for as I do my ever-changing journey through life.
I have many beliefs that have been buried and now are resurfacing and it has led to a path of finally being content with the person I am. Finding this inner peace and awareness, it is amazing what one is capable of and realize that what we have taken for granted or the words we have had beaten into our psyche really doesn't matter. What matters is what WE think of ourselves. With knowing what we suffer and have overcome, we open our eyes to see what others are going through and in turn, start to offer our shoulders, advice, or even just a sympathetic ear.
There is so much I have weathered in my forty plus years and have come out the stronger for it. My core self is one that doesn't give up easily and has a strong sense of survival, whether is physical or just emotional. It isn't an easy realization or path to walk on and I can attest that many times I have wanted to give up because the pain and grief was too much for my shoulders to bear at times. Through the tears however, I look into myself and truly see that I have so much to give, and I have people who love and care for me. When I am at my lowest or fighting my hardest, I have to keep in mind that I am cared for, I will be missed.
It's okay to not feel obligated to go out and leave a indelible mark on the world because look at it this way. Whose world do you want to leave a mark for? If you have children, it is for them. If you have a cherished loved one, it is for them. We forget in this hectic and chaotic world that people matter, no matter what. We all have the same struggles, the same issues. If you aren't strong enough to go through the troubles that life throws at you, find one who will be there to lend their strength to you. The only way to get that is to open your eyes and heart, be willing to accept what is being offered. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you are weak. Asking for help is strength, being willing to change is strength.
Life is change.
With that, there comes change to what this blog is for as I do my ever-changing journey through life.
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