What's Going On...

I am so horrible for not getting into a regular habit of updating my own blog. However, since the last post, quite a bit has happened this past year. Things are not so personally chaotic or tense with me anymore. Why? I have departed ways with a former roommate and friend. While I needed the space and time away from her, at this point having not heard from her, I figure that this is one of those people that has walked on out of my life.

Experiences are what make your journey richer, the good or bad. As such, the people in your life add to it, whether good or bad. I tend to see goodness in people and that is why I have them in my life. When they leave and continue on their own journey, I wish them well. Sometimes it is with a sense of sadness, sometimes with relief. My friend who has decided to not remain in contact, it is a mixed bag. I wish her well, for she has a lot to overcome as she undergoes her own personal journey of growth and blossoming into full adulthood. I knew this is what she needed, for she is a good person and has so much to offer. It is better later in life than never, to discover who you are and realize that you can walk through life on your own, head held high. Do not let fear or anger rule you.

As such, I still struggle with the mundane things but my sense of inner peace is back. I am back to being on my own, living for myself. It is a slow journey as I try to get back the creative spark but it will come in time. Things happen for a reason and at their own time. I may not be actively social but I have a small group of friends I trust and when I need help, they will be there. My ever growing and maturing children are always a wonder to me and I am thankful everyday for them. They fill me with pride to see their personalities grow as they travel their own road. My son is quite independent and my daughter quite creative. This time of my daughter's life, she is needing more support and understanding as she has discovered the uglier parts of life at a young age. She is struggling with her own emotional and mental demons. While her father can't understand fully what she is going through, I do. Thankfully, her big brother is there and supportive for whenever she needs him.

Now, the spark has been flickering in the recesses of my mind again, it is time to start taking the baby steps to getting into a routine of doing 'something', even if whatever I write or render is nothing much.


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