My Little Buddha

My friends see this little guy every time they are by my desk. The way he sits, what is around him, is not happenstance. I'm not Buddhist by any means but I saw this statue at TJ Maxx and thought, how serene and peaceful he is. I had this red tray for years and used it for odds and ends but since living on my own, it has become my little desktop altar. 

Spirituality is very intuitive, I believe. With this, these items all have a calling to me. I can't exactly say how or why but the energy helps center and puts me in a better state of mind. Even changing it up every now and then is a bit of a ritual. Sometimes there will be a votive candle with him.  Since our desks is a place where we do work, finances, and gaming, something that helps give a bit of peace is needed. It is something that our eyes can rest on for just a moment and just remind us to "relax". 

Trust me, with the holidays coming up and tax season after that, we need all that we can get! :D


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